Out of two hundred seventy-two (272) Career Executive Service Witten Examination (CES WE) takers and One hundred nine (109) passers, Vigan City Mayor Juan Carlo Medina topmosts the stage one result of CES WE held last September 2 at University of the Philippines (Quezon City), University of Cebu and Department of Public Works at Davao City simultaneously.
Meanwhile City Administrator Atty. Joanne Janice Quodala- Formoso who landed 5th and City Internal Auditor Franco Que also passed the said examination.
The completion of each stage is a pre-requisite to the succeeding stages of the CES eligibility examination process.
Career Executive Service Board is the governing body of the CES. The CESB is mandated to promulgate rules, standards and procedures on the selection, classification, compensation and career development of members of the CES.
CES Eligibility requires passing the four- stages of CES Eligibility examination: CES Written examination; Assessment center; Performance validation and Board Interview.
Stage 1: CES Written examination is a paper-pencil type of test that determines the applicant’s general intelligence and knowledge of management concepts and principles; Stage 2: Assessment Center is a composed of simulation exercises regarding worked based situations that will test the applicant’s capacity to advance managerial duties and responsibilities; Stage 3: Performance validation is the process that facilitates a detailed inquiry, examination and verification of the candidate’s on-the-job performance, managerial/behavioral competence and integrity. And Stage 4: Board Interview is a panel interview of the applicant to assess and determine confidence, creativity, self-worth and outlook on his/her work and the organization.
Career Executive Service Board revealed the result last November 9 (Friday) at their official website.